Sold for €31,400
Estimate: € 18,000–22,000
RMB Start price: RMB 75,000
RMB Estimate: RMB 140,000–170,000
SN: 1660624
Year: 1959
Condition: B
This is a very early black paint Summilux 1.4/50mm in 100% original condition with brass black lens mount. LITERATURE James L. Lager (ed.), Leica Illustrated History, Vol. II, 1994, p. 172. Those early matte black-paint finished Leica M lenses were only produced in very small quantities. Even among the few rare lenses delivered in black, a number of variations have appeared. Of particular interest are the earliest of those, which contain a bayonet flange made of brass without chrome plating. The lens is in very fine condition with clean and clear lenses (only some dust particles inside), metal hood 12521G, both caps.
这是一个非常早期的黑漆Summilux 1.4/50mm镜头,100%原装状态,带黄铜黑色镜头卡口。文献:James L. Lager(编),《徕卡图解历史》,第二卷,1994年,第172页。这些早期的哑光黑漆徕卡M镜头仅生产了极少量。即使在少量的黑色镜头中,也出现了许多变化。特别值得关注的是最早期的那些,它们包含了未镀铬的黄铜卡口法兰。镜头处于极佳状态,镜片干净透明(仅内部有一些灰尘颗粒),带金属遮光罩12521G,带前后镜头盖。
Start price: € 10,000