Sold for €4,400
Estimate: € 3,600–4,000
Start price: RMB 15,000
Estimate: RMB 28,000–30,000
Size: 23.2 x 20.4 cm
Gelatin silver print, printed in the 1990s on double-weight semi-matte paper 26 x 20.4 cm, in very good condition. Signed, titled and dated by the photographer in ink and his blindstamp "Korda" with Che's silhouette on the lower margin, "Illford genuine silver gelatin fin art paper" label on the reverse. LITERATURE Jean Larteguy, 'Les Guerilleros', in: Paris Match, August 19, 1967; Mark Sanders / Cristina Vives (eds.), Alberto Korda. A Revolutionary Lens, Chicago 2000, p. 48; Saul Corrales / Carlos T. Cairo (eds.), Che Guevara. By the Photographers of the Cuban Revolution, Havana 2006, p. 16.
This icon of the 20th century was created on the occasion of a commemorative event at which Fidel Castro gave an impassioned speech to thousands present. On the previous day, 95 people had died when the freighter "La Coubre", carrying a shipment of Belgian ammunition, exploded; the CIA was suspected of sabotage. Korda photographed the celebrities on the rostrum for the magazine "Revolución", when Guevara briefly stepped forward from the background two shots were achieved. The incomparable circulation of this portrait, a detail from a landscape format, only began after the revolutionary's death in the form of posters; vintage prints in the narrow sense are not available. All prints made directly from the negative during Korda's lifetime are rare collector's items today.
明胶银盐照片,1990年代印制,双重重量半哑光纸,尺寸26 x 20.4 cm,状况非常良好。摄影师用墨水签名、题名并注明日期,并在下边缘有他的钢印“Korda”及切·格瓦拉的剪影,背面有“Ilford genuine silver gelatin fine art paper”标签。文献:Jean Larteguy,《Les Guerilleros》,载于《巴黎竞赛》,1967年8月19日;Mark Sanders / Cristina Vives(编),《Alberto Korda. A Revolutionary Lens》,芝加哥2000年,第48页;Saul Corrales / Carlos T. Cairo(编),《Che Guevara. By the Photographers of the Cuban Revolution》,哈瓦那2006年,第16页。这个20世纪的标志性作品是在菲德尔·卡斯特罗向成千上万的听众发表激情演讲的纪念活动上创作的。前一天,运载比利时弹药的货船“La Coubre”爆炸,导致95人死亡;CIA被怀疑是始作俑者。科尔达为《革命》杂志拍摄了讲台上的名人,当格瓦拉从后排中短暂走上前时,拍摄了两张照片。这张肖像的无与伦比的传播,一直到切·格瓦拉充满启发意义的死亡后才以海报的形式开始;狭义上的早期印刷品不可用。所有在科尔达生前直接从底片制作的印刷品今天都是稀有的收藏品。
Start price: € 2,000