5th Jun, 2024 18:00

OstLicht Photo Auction Spring 2024

  Lot 201

Hospital for the criminally insane, Lima, Ohio 1982


Lot details

Estimate: € 2.000–2.400


Dye transfer print, printed in 1989 on semi-matte paper 52 x 75,5 cm, in excellent condition. Magnum's "In our Time" exhibition blindstamp in the lower margin at right, numerical annotation "51" in pencil on the reverse. LITERATURE William Manchester (ed.), In our Time. The world as seen by Magnum photographers, London 1989, p. 128.

* Fully Taxed


Dye-Transfer-Print, geprintet 1989 auf halbmattem Papier 52 x 75,5 cm, in ausgezeichnetem Zustand. Magnum-"In our Time"-Ausstellungsblindstempel im unteren Rand rechts, rückseitig Nummernvermerk "51" mit Bleistift. LITERATUR William Manchester (Hg.), In our Time. The world as seen by Magnum photographers, London 1989, S. 128.

* Vollbesteuert

Size: 44,9 x 68,2 cm

Start price: €1.200