Sold for €2,000
Estimate: € 2.000–2.400
Gelatin silver print, printed 1989 on double-weight semi-matte paper 50,2 x 60,6 cm, in perfect condition. From original "In our Time" exhibition set. Signed in ink and Magnum's exhibition blindstamp in the margin at lower right. LITERATURE William Manchester (ed.), In our Time. The world as seen by Magnum photographers, London 1989, p. 232.
*Fully Taxed.
Silbergelatineabzug, geprintet 1989 auf halbmattem "double-weight" Papier 50,2 x 60,6 cm, in perfektem Zustand. Aus originalem "In our Time" Ausstellungsset. Signiert mit Tinte und Magnum-Ausstellungsblindstempel ím unteren Rand rechts. LITERATUR William Manchester (Hg.), In our Time. The world as seen by Magnum photographers, London 1989, S. 232.
Size: 35,1 x 53,3 cm
Start price: €1.200