19th Nov, 2022 17:00

OstLicht Photo Auction Autumn 2022

Lot 108

YET-PORE PUN (1914–1989)
‘Picking and Choosing’, Hongkong 1953

Sold for €750

Lot details

Estimate: € 1.000–1.200


Vintage silver exhibition print, double-weight semi-matte Agfa Brovira paper, in very good condition. Photographer’s stamp including title, stamps from exhibition participations at “Salon internacional de Barcelona”, “Melbourne Camera Club”, and “Asociatia Artistilor Fotografi” (Bucarest) on the reverse.


Vintage-Silbergelatine-Ausstellungsabzug, "double-weight", halbmattes Agfa Brovira Papier, in sehr gutem Zustand. Fotografenstempel mit Titel, rückseitig Stempel von Ausstellungsteilnahmen am "Salon internacional de Barcelona", "Melbourne Camera Club" und "Asociatia Artistilor Fotografi" (Bukarest).

Size: 48,5 x 39,5 cm

Start price: €600